Saturday, December 28, 2019

Universal Health Care Essay - 1026 Words

The recently passed Healthcare Reform Bill (HR-4872) is a necessity and long overdue. As one of the wealthiest countries in the world, it is a travesty that one hundred percent of our citizens are not adequately covered for their healthcare expenses. According to the United States Census Bureau, there were approximately 45.7 million people in the United States without basic healthcare insurance in 2009. It is my position, that a â€Å"Universal Health Plan† is a necessary for the continued integrity of our nation. There are many opponents to the proposal of such a plan. Their arguments are often unfounded and are inflated with biased political hype. Why is healthcare coverage a necessity? Under the current medical practices in the†¦show more content†¦Under the current healthcare reform bill HR-4872, there are several stipulations that will benefit everyone. The proposed bill eliminates the â€Å"Pre-existing Condition† clause that insurance companies hav e been manipulating around for many years. How many people have been stuck in dead end jobs, unable to further their career for the fear of being denied insurance coverage due to a pre-existing condition. The bill (HR-4872) also makes purchasing health coverage affordable. Under the current American system, the health insurance providers can pass on rate increases to the consumers without regard to the clients ability to pay or their after taxes income. It is estimated that healthcare insurance costs have increased as much as 18 – 25% over just the past three years alone. This dramatic increase in premium expenses has put healthcare insurance out of the reach of millions of Americans. HR-101 proposes a cap on â€Å"Out of pocket† expenses. The cost of medical treatment can skyrocket quickly. Currently, even those with adequate insurance coverage can be left financially devastated if faced with a long-term critical illness. Private insurance companies often have a lifetime maximum payout amount. The consumer may then be left with a catastrophic amount of debt related to the treatment received and the unforeseen notion of the concept of a maximum lifetime payout figure.Show MoreRelatedUniversal Health Care1154 Words   |  5 PagesUniversal Health Care is defined as the belief that all citizens should have access to affordable, high-quality medical care (Anderson, 2013). Currently there are 46 million that do not have health coverage in the United states and this would drastically increase to 72 million if a health reform was not passed (The Economic Case for Health Care Reform, 2012)Why the United States is the last to adopt this government mandated i nsurance coverage, is possibly one of the most widely asked question aroundRead MoreUniversal Health Care730 Words   |  3 PagesIn 2007, more than 45 million Americans did not have health care insurance. The United States is the only industrialized major nation in the world without health care, and the debate about changing that has become a popular issue recently. 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The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without health care, and the debate about changing that has become a popular topic recently. The difference between the two sides is a difference in values; those for universal health care desire to see the government help others, and those who do not, wish that private companies be allowedRead MoreUniversal Health Care : Universal Healthcare1740 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Universal health care, sometimes referred to as universal health coverage, universal coverage, or universal care, usually refers to a health care system which provides health care and financial protection to all citizens of a particular country. It is organized around providing a specified package of benefits to all members of a society with the end goal of providing financial risk protection, improved access to health services, and improved health outcomes. Universal health care is not aRead MoreThe United States And Universal Health Care1582 Words   |  7 PagesStates and Universal Health Care: Should the U.S. Make the Switch? The United States has one of the largest, most complex health care systems in the world. Although the U.S. is among the wealthiest nations in the world, it is far from the healthiest and falls behind other developed nations in terms of healthcare. Mexico and the United States are the only members of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which has 34 members in total, which do not have universal health careRead MoreHealth Inequalities And Universal Health Care1259 Words   |  6 PagesPetrovic 02 Dec, 2014 Health Inequalities in US and Universal Health Care as a Solution Health inequality is one of the social inequalities that may cost the lives of people unless backed by corrective policies. Universal health care is one of those tools by which we correct disparities in health care utilization and insure the health of the fellow citizens. World health Organization (WHO) defined Universal health care, also universal health coverage as â€Å"a specific type of health care coverage of all peopleRead MoreWhat Is Universal Health Care?1491 Words   |  6 Pagescan be discussed. The topic that I chose is Universal Health Care. The line of inquiry includes a little bit of history of health care, how health care is important for everyone, how it is a major topic in the United States, Obama’s plan for health care, how trumps plan will not work for Americans and how Arkansans may or may not feel on the topic of health care. The subject is Health Care; my purpose is to argue a position on how important Health Care is. The audience I’m trying to target in thisRead MoreHealth Care At The Universal Coverage910 Words   |  4 PagesWorld Health Organization (WHO) defines a universal health coverage, as a system where all citizens of a country have access to health services without incurring financial hardship. According to WHO, the systems needs to be efficient, has to provide vital medicine as well as technology and medical professionals. The system has to at least meet the basic health needs, including: HIV, TB, maternal and baby/child health as well as various non-communicable diseases. The care under the universal coverageRead MoreUniversal Health Care System Of Universal Healthcare2156 Words   |  9 Pagespracticing a system of universal health care have access to the health services they require, which, consequently, leads to overall healthier populations. Such health services include, amongst other things, prevention promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliative care.( These services are provided with out the risk of monetary adversity or destitution for those who use them. Ease of access to health facilities and care in turn leads to healthier people. Universal health care systems bring the

Friday, December 20, 2019

Essay - 1588 Words

| |[pic] | |Renovation of Shea Stadium - | | |Home of the New York Mets | | Background In November 2004 Ace Builders (your employer) was awarded a contract for the renovation of Shea Stadium to house the New York Mets. An artist rendition of the proposed renovations is shown in Figure 1. Figure 1. Proposed stadium for the New York Mets The construction must start on January 14, 2004 and must be†¦show more content†¦Make this a one-page handout which includes the WBS, with correct numbering, indentation and use of verbs, plus the task relationships and durations reflected in a Gantt view. (This is Part I of Homework II. Highlight the critical path and other key pieces of information. Part II Bonnie Green, Chief Estimator, agreed that in a normal year only slight delays might develop due to a shortage of labor. However, she pointed out that for such a large project, the company would have to use unionized employees and that the construction industry labor agreements with New York City were to expire on October 30, 2004. Past experience and current construction activity in the surrounding area indicated that any union tradesman would support a strike against the city. Since this is a public project, she estimates that there is a 50% chance that they would strike this project to gain the attention of the national media. Jim Brown inquired about the prospective length of a strike. Bonnie figured that such a strike would last at least four weeks. Jim was not too pleased with these prospects. He was pleased when realized that only a small number of tasks would be impacted and that he could subcontract to non union shops minor activities such as the new seats. Jack White, Vice-President for Operations commented that an extremely cold and wet May 2003 had occurred. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Health and socialcaew free essay sample

A person may express this kind of behavior if they are either distressed or if they want to communicate an unmet need. It is classified in 2 groups: Instrumental aggression: aggressive behavior which is aimed at achieving/gaining an Objective Hostile aggression: aggressive behavior that is only done to hurt others. Aggressive behavior can take place as a result of an individual wanting to have their own way/get what they want or as a response to stress i. E. Too much noise surrounding their environment. Anger is a normal and necessary human emotion but can also have an effect on an individuals aggressive behavior. Anger is a persons response to things such as threats and it can bring strong, aggressive feelings as a defense mechanism when Ewing attacked. When the anger begins to get out of control it can become damaging and this can then lead to continuous challenging behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on Health and socialcaew or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Being assertive is the healthiest way of dealing with anger; it enables people to suppress their anger and enables them make and meet their needs clearly and without hurting other people. Anger can also be suppressed by allowing the person to calm themselves down i. E. Walking or focus on positive things, however this can create a person to turn their anger inwards and hurt themselves physically i. E. High blood pressure, depression etc. , develop a simplistic/ aggressive personality or even indirectly attack others. There are many different theories about what causes aggression. The main theories include: instincts, drive and social learning theories. Sigmund Freud, a theorist believed that the death instinct, also known as Thanks, is a source of aggressive inclinations that must be released regularly in order for individuals to maintain a heaths state of mind. This theory also claims that the development of this behavior can occur with or without an outside provocation. John Dollar, another theorist, claimed that the result of this behavior always derived from frustration. A man named Leonard Borrowing modified this theory by adding that frustration was followed by anger and only then will it lead to an aggressive behavior.